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You are most welcome to our churches for the baptism of children and adults. As part of the preparation for baptism, we invite you to meet with one of our team members and attend a number of our services; we suggest at least three. 

We feel it is important that as you, or your child, are baptised into the church and welcomed into the church family, you get to know us a bit and understand the promises you will be making in relation to faith and the church.


Details of our services are available on this site; we worship in a number of ways depending on the time and place of the service, so you might like to try a couple to find where you most feel at home.  When you attend, do make yourself known to the welcomers and whoever leads the service; they would love to get to know you and answer any questions you may have.




If you would like to get married in one of our beautiful churches, do get in touch, and someone will help you through the process.  You will need a qualifying connection with the church, details of which can be found on the weddings page linked below.




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